
10 Facts About Dates

Dates are considered to be the superfood provided to us by nature. This amazing brown fruit is an amazing source of fructose, sucrose and glucose. Dates are a delicate fruit in the Middle East region, and over the years, this amazing fruit has been exported all over the world, and many countries, including China and the United States, have started to cultivate it.

But in this article, we’re not going to talk about the health properties of dates; we’re here to discuss 10 facts about dates that you didn’t know. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

1. Oldest Fruit on Earth

Did you know that dates are considered to be the oldest cultivated fruit on earth? Yep, dates are believed to be from 3000 BC, when people were still playing with stone tools. Around 3000 BC, people in Iraq first started cultivating dates and using them as a source of food.

2. Thousand Different Types of Dates

When you hear someone say a date or you start talking about it, you immediately think about the Medjool date or even the Mazafati date, which is considered to be black gold. But did you know there are hundreds upon hundreds of different types of dates? From the very few dates that you and I know, most of them come in different shapes, colors and even tastes. Just imagine the types we don’t know about. Isn’t that fun?!

3. Dates and Low Glycemic

You may think that just because dates are sweet, they are high in sugar and bad for you. But in reality, dates may have high levels of NATURAL sugar. The sugar found in dates isn’t processed or, in other words, artificial sugar, which you can find in most of the manufactured fruits, foods, etc. Rather, the types of sugar found in dates are good for you, and there are many benefits to consuming dates. Just to mention a few, they have a high content of fiber, packed with vitamins and antioxidants.

4. How Date Got its Name?

Have you ever wondered where the date that we eat and love got its name from? This is really cool. Iraq may have been the first country that cultivated date and started taking advantage of its amazing benefits, but actually, its name came from Greek! The word date comes from the word “dactylos,” which means finger in Greek. Just because of the shape of this superfood, the Greeks started calling it “finger,” and over time, it came to be a date.

5. God-given Vitamins

As we have slightly mentioned above, dates come with many benefits and vitamins, including A, B, C, E and K. If you would like to know more about these vitamins by a simple search, you come up with their abilities to improve both brain function and memory.

6. Better Learning by Eating Dates

A study was conducted on mice in 2015 by Dr. Mustafa Mohamed Essa, who gave dates to mice and watched them for weeks. The ones that were given dates have shown improved memory, whereas the other group was just your regular lap rat.

7. Health Benefits of Dates Can Prevent Diseases

Dr. Mustafa also found out that dates have a direct effect on Alzheimer’s. In his many studies, he discovered that people who have consumed dates seem to have a lower chance of Alzheimer’s compared to people who didn’t eat dates at all.

8. They May Reduce Anxiety Levels

Many people fall into caffeine’s trap whenever they are stressed. Caffeine is known to inhibit receptors in the brain for the chemical adenosine. There has been much research on this topic, and it was discovered that stress-induced behavior can be blocked by caffeine. That doesn’t mean whenever you are stressed, you should overwhelm yourself with caffeine. Drinking too much tea or coffee can actually have the opposite effect. However, the minerals and vitamins found in date have proved that this superfood can also help reduce your stress levels. And since there are hundreds upon hundreds of different types of dates, you can try them until you find the one that suits your taste. We strongly recommend trying the Mazafati date.

9. Dates Are Used in Cuisine

Did you know there are countries in the Middle East that use date in their cuisine? Yep, in the Middle East, dates are used in sweet and savory dishes.

10. Dates and Ramadan

Our final fact about dates come down to Ramadan. Did you know that every year during Ramadan, which is a significant religious event for Muslims, the people of the Muslim faith tend to open their fast with a date? They strongly believe that dates are blessed food and break their fasts with a glass of warm water and a date.

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